As I reviewed our schedule for the last few weeks looking for blog topics I realized that I haven’t discussed the procedures involved in the collection, submission or analysis of tissue samples.  When we encounter unusual looking soft tissue areas that are unchanged for 2 weeks with no obvious cause I will usually recommend that we have the area evaluated under a microscope by an oral pathologist.

There are two basic types of collection procedures that we use.  The first one is a “brush” biopsy, where a brush with short stiff bristles is rotated while in contact with the soft tissue area to collect several cells.  This is a simple procedure which usually doesn’t even need anesthetic to be comfortable.  The cells are transferred to a slide and then sent to the pathology lab to be “read”, much the same as a Pap smear which most people are familiar with. The second type is  a more involved procedure which does generally require anesthesia for comfort.  A larger sample of  tissue is collected and submitted whole for microscopic examination.  I  have enclosed a sample of both the reporting form and a representative formal report.  The laboratory that I generally use is the Oral Pathology Group at Indiana University School of Dentistry.  They generally will send us a report back within 7-10 days and then I will personally call the patient with results.  Here is the link to their page:

This is a sample of the reporting form used to submit information to the lab, as well as a sample report from them.


Oral path reporting form

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Sample pathology report


As you can see, there is a medical diagnosis code associated with the condition which you or your physician may need.  I will always offer you a written copy of this report and will gladly send a copy and a brief letter to your physician.

There has been some confusion about fees for the pathology services, and I want to clarify the more common question.  There is generally a fee charged to collect the sample.  This fee is commonly covered by DENTAL insurance.  There is also a fee charged to “read” the sample and prepare the report.  This fee is charged by the laboratory and will generally be covered by MEDICAL insurance.  We will assist you in giving the lab the information they need to file this claim with your medical carrier.  I hope this has been helpful, and as always I welcome your questions.